Costa RicaCosta Rica

Puerto Viejo Services & Facilities

Most Puerto Viejo's services and facilities reside along the main street that runs through town. There you'll find banks, pharmacies, clothing stores, gift shops, supermarkets and corner stores.

Cell Phone

Cell phone service is good in Puerto Viejo, but fades a little bit as you head south toward Manzanillo.

Public Phones

Puerto Viejo has a few public phones along the main street and beachfront road. They operate with phone cards, not coins. You can buy a phone card in any pharmacy or grocery store.


Most mid-range and upscale hotels, hostels and several restaurants offer free Wi-Fi access.

Post Office

Located next to the Licorera Mane. It offers both national and international mail services. Open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; closed 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.


Puerto Viejo has two banks: Banco de Costa Rica and the Banco Nacional. You'll find them near the small bridge to Playa Negra, just south of the post office. These banks have the only ATMs in Puerto Viejo, and they occasionally run out of money, so don't wait until the last minute to take out more cash.

Gas Station

There is no gas station in Puerto Viejo. The closest place to fill up is a few miles north, near the turnoff to Bribri.

Medical Facilities

There is an emergency medical service office downtown, just a few steps from the Banco de Costa Rica. For minor accidents and general maladies, all pharmacies in Costa Rica are required to employ an in-house pharmacist/doctor, who is able to treat minor health issues and prescribe certain medications.  The nearest hospital is in Limon – about 45 minutes away.

Puerto Viejo Travel Guide

Puerto Viejo Weather

Current Conditions

$math.round($!{currentCond.find("temp").text})°F ($math.round($math.div($math.sub($!{currentCond.find("temp").text},32),1.8))°C)

Humidity: %

Wind: miles per hour,

15 day weather forecast >

Puerto Viejo Weather

Current Conditions

$math.round($!{currentCond.find("temp").text})°F ($math.round($math.div($math.sub($!{currentCond.find("temp").text},32),1.8))°C)

Humidity: %

Wind: miles per hour,

15 day weather forecast >

Puerto Viejo Tides

Wednesday, March 12, 2025
High 4:30 a.m. 0.75 ft. (0.23 m.)
Low 12:03 p.m. -0.07 ft. (-0.02 m.)
High 10:56 p.m. 0.16 ft. (0.05 m.)

Two-week Tide Forecast >

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